Check out the latest school news below: Elementary School - Middle School - High School -
about 1 year ago, Heather Lilyquist
School News
about 1 year ago, Heather Lilyquist
All morning activities have been cancelled for Saturday, January 13th until 11:30 a.m. All buildings will be closed.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Berg
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will be closed for in-person learning on Friday, January 12th. This will be a Virtual Learning Day. All activities will be cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Berg
Snow Day
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will be closed for the entire day on Tuesday, January 9th. All activities will be cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Berg
Inclement Weather
It's never too early to start planning! Summer School 2024
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Summer School 2024 Save the Date Flyer
Cheers to the new year! 🎉Celebrate ‘24 with 24% OFF when you spend $100+ using code NY24 at checkout. Score custom hoodies, jackets, T-shirts and more at your Falcons Sideline store now thru Sunday!
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
New Year Falcons Clothing Sale
5th grade students enjoyed participating in the 2nd Annual “Camp out and Read” Challenge!
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Camping 3
Camping 2
Camping 1
The Sheboygan Falls MS & HS Bands presented their annual Winter Concert on Monday, Dec 11th. Featured performing groups include the 7th and 8th grade bands under the direction of Carrie Winkler and the HS Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble under the direction of Derek Beekhuizen.
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Winter Band Concert
Mrs. Ellis's sixth-grade math students had hands-on experience working with production rates. The students created snowflakes within a given time constraint and then had to figure out how their production rate would impact the amount produced within extended time frames.
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Math  Class
6 days of mischief caught up with The Elf on the Shelf (Ms. Probst), but Officer Allen decided to let them off with a warning!
about 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Elf on the Shelf
5th-grade students enjoyed going to STEAMFest at UWGB.
over 1 year ago, Mike Nikson
Students observing robots
Students observing ceramic work
Students observing solutions
Students observing circuits