Academic and Career Planning
Our ACP Vision
Grade 5-12 Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a comprehensive process that engages families and our community to inspire, educate, and support each student in developing interests and creating his or her own plan.
Parent and Community Involvement in ACP
Parent involvement in ACP is critical. In grades 7, 9 & 11, TEAM Talks with individual students and their parents/guardians are held? to discuss their current and future plans. We also encourage parents to register for their own Xello account via their child’s account. The community is also an integral component of ACP. Thanks to Inspire Sheboygan County (a valuable addition to Xello), many local businesses are assisting our schools in preparing the students of our county for their future.
Students in grades 6-12 will use Xello, a self-exploration and planning program, for their career and postsecondary education exploration as well as to house their online portfolio.
For more information, visit Xello (Career Cruising)
SFMS ACP and Xello
Know: Students use Xello to know their skills, aptitudes and strengths through comprehensive assessments.
Explore: Students explore post- secondary education pathways and career choices to fully understand their options.
Plan: Students create a plan for success and use Xello to ensure they stay on track.
Go: With a plan in hand, it’s time to Go! Students start working today to achieve success tomorrow, with the option to re-assess at any time during their academic journey.
For more information, visit the SFMS Course Description Guide