Sheboygan Falls Elementary School, built in 2000, is approaching its 25-year mark and requires significant updates to its infrastructure and facilities. The key areas needing attention include: ➡️ Boilers and chillers have reached the end of their useful life and need to be replaced. There are also leaking windows and doors, and sections of the roof require replacement. ➡️ The school currently lacks fire sprinklers, which are essential for safety. ➡️ Furniture, flooring, and paint have experienced over 20 years of wear and tear and need repair or replacement. To address these issues, our elementary school needs significant investments in infrastructure, safety systems, and space optimization to continue providing a safe and effective learning environment. We invite you to learn more and browse answers to additional frequently asked questions:
about 2 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
ES Needs
A 2023 community survey indicated a growing need for more childcare options in our community. Staff members indicated that childcare would make the district a more attractive place to work and could help with recruitment and retention efforts of additional high-quality teachers and staff. Families and local business owners noted they were in need of more affordable childcare options. Additional slots are needed, as many local providers have no openings available. Families also expressed a need for additional childcare hours before and after school, as well as in the summer. Adding a 10,000 square-foot daycare center to Sheboygan Falls Elementary School would cost an estimated $4.6 million. Learn more and find answers to FAQs:
2 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Childcare Needs
A 2023 community survey indicated a growing need for more childcare options in our community. Staff members indicated that childcare would make the District a more attractive place to work and could help with recruitment and retention efforts of additional high-quality teachers and staff. Families and local business owners noted they were in need of more affordable childcare options. Additional slots are needed, as many local providers have no openings available. Families also expressed a need for additional childcare hours before and after school, as well as in the summer. The Board of Education is currently engaged in a long-range facility planning process. Learn more:
2 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Community input continues to be a key element of the Board of Education’s long-range facility planning process. We want to thank all the community members who have provided their thoughts thus far, including through our recent survey! At this time, the most pressing needs exist at our Elementary and High Schools. There is also a present and growing demand for more childcare options in our community, along with a need to improve our athletic facilities. We invite you to learn more about our long-range facility planning:
2 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Over the past two years, the Board of Education and District leaders have been evaluating the District’s facility needs and investigating possible solutions. This work is part of the district’s long-range facility planning process. This process has included staff feedback, a third-party assessment, community tours, and conversations throughout our community. The District also surveyed our community members in Spring 2024. The Board will continue to study and consider this issue throughout Summer 2024. If the Board decides to place a referendum question on the ballot for this November, it would likely vote to do so during its regular meeting on August 19th, 2024. Learn more:
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Find an update from Superintendent Zach Pethan here:
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
As part of our long-range facilities planning process, we surveyed our community about our district’s needs and potential solutions. Community members appear to be well informed about the facility needs at both our Elementary School and High School. Approximately 82% agreed or strongly agreed that our High School needs should be addressed now, and 74% agreed or strongly agreed our Elementary School needs should be addressed now. The District and Board appreciate all those who provided their input and feedback through this survey. The Board will carefully consider these results as it determines next steps. View the full survey report: And, stay informed on our Long Term Facility Planning: .
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Survey Results
We're hiring!
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Join Our Team
Thank you to all the community members who completed our recent Facilities Survey! The data will help drive next steps in this important process. More than 74% of respondents indicated they would support a $75 million capital referendum question that addressed the base plan facility needs at both Sheboygan Falls Elementary School and Sheboygan Falls High School. To view the full survey report, visit And, stay informed on our Long Term Facility Planning: .
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Survey Results
On Monday, the Board of Education received and reviewed the results of the recent Community Facilities Survey for the School District of Sheboygan Falls. More than 74% of survey respondents indicated they were well informed or had some familiarity with the district’s facility needs. Just over 75% strongly agreed or agreed that the District’s facility needs at the Elementary School must be addressed now. Approximately 82% strongly agreed or agreed that the High School facility needs should be addressed now. View the full survey report: And, stay informed on our Long Term Facility Planning:
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Survey Results
We're hiring!
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Join Our Team
Noodles & Company will be donating 25% of sales to Falcon Families of SFES! When ordering in-restaurant guests must mention "Falcon Families " or present the flyer upon placing their order prior to paying. For online and Noodles Rewards app orders, guests can apply the coupon code, “GIVING25” in the Coupon Code line at checkout.
3 months ago, Mike Nikson
Noodles - Advertisement
Another congratulations to the SDSF Excellence in Education award winners honored this past weekend! Pictured: Kirby Nichols - Robotics Coach (Innovation in Work), Janis Jarosch - HS School Counselor (Community Involvement), Britne Lorge - MS School Counselor (Social Emotional Well-Being) (Not Pictured: Kevin Krutzik - HS Principal (Innovation in Work)). The program can be viewed here:
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Excellence in Education
Join us for tonight's School Board meeting!
3 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
School Board Meeting
Congratulations to Kevin Krutzik, Janis Jarosch, Britne Lorge, and Kirby Nichols, recipients of the Eastern WI Excellence in Education Award. This award recognizes the outstanding work of individuals within our educational institutions. Not only did we have these four recipients, we had 15 finalists and a total of 26 amazing nominees in our District! The awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 18th at the Kiel Area School District Performing Arts Center. The program will also be live streamed on the Channel 5, website.
4 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Excellence in Education
Congratulations, Brian Berlin, Athletic Director / Associate Principal of SFHS! Brian is being awarded the InSideOut Leadership Award. InSideOut Leadership equips Athletic Administrators with practical tools and strategies to lead from the middle resulting in a clear vision for their purpose-based sports program.
4 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Three more chances to catch several Falcons in Wizard of Oz this weekend at LHS Theater! Saturday 11am and 6:30 pm Sunday 2pm
4 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Join us in thanking Nurse Amber and Nurse Deanna for all they do for the School District of Sheboygan Falls!
4 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
School Nurse
There’s still time to take our facility needs survey! Learn more about the district’s needs, consider preliminary solutions, and contribute feedback to guide our next steps. ✍️ The survey closes today. Take it online here:
4 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
Facility Needs