The Vision

Over the last several months, the Sheboygan Falls School Board has evaluated the District’s facility needs and has begun investigating possible solutions as the next step in our long-range facility plan.

With our promise to Expect the Exceptional in the forefront, the School District of Sheboygan Falls strives to be a school district of choice. In doing so, we commit to facilities that:

  • Inspire and enable the whole student to reach their full potential

  • Reflect our community’s values for academic excellence, arts, and athletics

  • Provide safe, secure, and accessible learning environments for all

  • Welcome, attract, and retain students, families, and staff

Community Provides Valuable Input on School Facility Needs via Recent Survey

On Monday, May 20th, the School District of Sheboygan Falls Board of Education officially received and reviewed the results of the recent Community Facilities Survey. 

A total of 475 community members completed the survey, which was available from April 26th to May 6th. 

Below are some key takeaways from the input provided:

Results Summary

The survey also provided details on various levels of capital referendum questions and asked respondents to indicate their potential support for each option. Should the Board of Education decide to place a referendum question on the November 2024 ballot, information collected from this survey will help determine priorities. 

We want to thank everyone who took the time to complete this survey and provide us with their thoughts and feedback on how we can best plan for the future when it comes to our facilities. We look forward to continuing these critical conversations as we move forward.

To view the full Community Facilities Survey report, please visit

Base Plan

Based on the needs mentioned above and identified in the District’s facilities study in May 2023, proposed work would focus on the Elementary and High School buildings. A base plan includes the highest priority needs as identified in the facility study and reflects projects that the district believes should come first as part of a long-range facilities plan (projected budget of $75M).

Renovations Key

Potential Additional Projects

Completing these additional projects, along with the base plan as part of the long-range facilities plan would save money and time as compared to doing them separately later.

Facility Challenges

The School District of Sheboygan Falls began its facilities study process in December 2022, this included staff feedback, a third party assessment, community tours and conversations.

With these points of feedback and the enrollment and community growth study key findings were identified as follows.

Overall, the Sheboygan Falls school buildings have been well-maintained, with consistent annual capital maintenance investments helping to maximize their current conditions. However, the study also pointed to critical systems and areas that need further investment.

Sheboygan Falls Elementary School, originally built in 2000, is now close to 25 years old. At this point in the age of a building, basic systems need replacement, while furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) need repair. This includes:

  • Boilers and chillers at the end of their useful life

  • Replacement of leaking windows, doors, and sections of the roof

  • The school lacks fire sprinklers

  • Furniture, flooring, and paint repairs due to more than 20 years of continual wear and tear

Since opening, the building has been adapted in several ways to enhance academic opportunities, including:

  • In 2007, constructing classrooms on the second floor to relieve overcrowding

  • In 2015, four classrooms were repurposed for 4-year kindergarten (4K), which was moved from the middle school, while relocating 5-year kindergarten (5K) nonadjacent classrooms not designed for kindergarten students.

These changes, along with shifts in educational delivery, have led to more demands for space:

  • Dedicated to support students with a variety of special needs

  • Common areas, including the cafeteria and kitchen, are significantly undersized and cramped

  • The playground area is too small, the equipment is now outdated, and uneven surface and drainage issues create safety and accessibility issues

  • Community partners, such as the YMCA, providing before- and after-school care utilize dedicated space in the school, impacting capacity

Enrollment analysis shows the Elementary School is currently over capacity. The school’s capacity is 533 students, while the official 2023-24 September enrollment count was 588. Enrollment projections completed by MDRoffers Consulting show a projected gain of 140 additional elementary-aged students in the next 10-12 years, which would put the school nearly 200 students over capacity.

Sheboygan Falls Middle School, built in 2018, does not require significant facility maintenance. It has a capacity for approximately 40 additional students, and most classroom spaces are regularly utilized. 

Sheboygan Falls High School, originally built in 1969, shows significant signs of its 50+ years of age. Building-related concerns include:

  • Basic building systems, including sections of the roof, doors, windows, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, are at the end of their useful life. Many windows are at the end of life and limit the amount of natural light in classrooms. 

  • Several educational areas, including science labs and technical education areas (woods and metals, agriculture, culinary arts), are significantly outdated, undersized, and inflexible. In particular, the science lab has a challenging layout with improper ventilation.

  • Several security-related concerns have been noted. The current design of the building does not allow for it to be secured by partitioning off sections for after-hours use, leaving the entire building accessible. Also, the school does not have fire sprinkler systems.

  • Several outdoor athletic facilities have structural and drainage issues, including the tennis courts, football field, track, and baseball and softball diamonds.

  • Building finishes, including ceilings, lighting, paint, flooring, and casework, generally need updating.

  • Physical education areas, including the gym, locker rooms, and the weight room, are often highly utilized. The gymnasium flooring is worn, and the bleachers need to be updated. The second-floor weight room has structural issues and ADA concerns.

  • There is a lack of similar locker facilities provided for boys’ and girls’ sports, which creates potential equity issues, known as Title IX, a federal law.

Enrollment analysis shows adequate space at the high school to serve students well into the future. Enrollment is currently 512 students with capacity at 684, which leaves some areas of the building under-utilized and available for maximizing reuse and reconfiguration. 

Additional Resources

Background Reports