District's mobile app
The School District of Sheboygan Falls Mobile App
The School District of Sheboygan Falls has a web app now available for iPhones®, iPads®, and Android™ devices. The School District of Sheboygan Falls app enables parents, students, alumni, faculty, and staff to quickly access all of the who, what, when, and where for the district.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls app is free and gives parents and students quick access to:
Keep up with all of the latest news, information, and announcements
Find out about events and activities
Contact teachers, staff, and administration
Access school menus, Infinite Campus, Canvas, and more
Get important documents, picture galleries & other media
Download the app for Android or iPhone
Mobile App Tutorial
Be sure to set your notifications so you stay up-to-date with the information that is important to you. NOTE: Each school has it's own Live Feed and Events sections. Subscribe to multiple schools to stay informed.