Protocol for Parent Communication

We welcome the opportunity to have parents call or email us about concerns. Our staff is very communicative. The expectation is that they return emails and phone calls within 48 hours (on school days) in hopes that we will all be working together for children. In some cases, parents work with teachers on an agreed plan for contacts, such as notes in the student agenda, reports mailed home, or a daily communication notebook. The following are some guidelines for parents to consider as they are trying to resolve difficulties or conflicts at school: 

  1. How should I approach an issue in the classroom or at school that is of concern to my child? 

  • Approach the issue in an objective, methodical manner. Engage in fact-finding and listen to and reflect on all sides of the story before reaching a conclusion. 

  • When appropriate, teach your child to self advocate by encouraging him/her to talk directly to his/her teacher or school personnel. Brainstorm and role play strategies with your child on how to approach the situation and resolve it on his/her own. 

  1. If I have concerns about something that happened at school, where should I start? 

  • The best place to begin is with the teacher. The teacher knows your child best of all school personnel. The teacher has the most accurate information. 

  1. What is the best way to communicate with the teacher? 

  • If it is a minor issue or question, a quick phone call or a short email is most appropriate and fastest. More serious issues might require making an appointment to talk to the teacher. 

  1. Will my child suffer retribution if I voice concerns to a teacher? 

  • No. Although it may be difficult to make the call, teachers appreciate hearing about issues in a candid, respectful way. By remaining silent or anonymous, your concern will never be resolved. 

  1. How should I approach a teacher about a problem? 

  • Teachers appreciate when parents approach a conflict from an information-gathering perspective. Articulate what you see as the issue and offer ideas you have as to how the issue might be resolved. 

  1. When should I contact administration about a problem with a teacher? 

  • Contact administration by phone or email or make an appointment to see an administrator. In this initial contact, please let administration know that you have already had a meeting with the teacher. 

  • If communication between you and the teacher did not occur, be prepared to explain why. In almost all cases, the administrator will share your concerns with the teacher and request that the teacher make an appointment to speak with you directly. We want your child to be successful and happy at school. Together we can make that happen.